VAD Society's Podcast

The Voice - PLAN Edmonton with Lee, Judy and Julia

VAD Society

Join VAD as we speak with a client, a facilitator and a family member of PLAN Edmonton.  We hear about how PLAN assists individuals in the community and what the members feel is great about PLAN Edmonton.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Welcome to the Voice of Albertans with Disabilities podcast for April 2024. I'm Teresa Makarewich, your host and VADs program and services manager. Thanks for joining us today. Voice of Albertans with disabilities gratefully acknowledges that what we call Alberta is a traditional and ancestral territories and gathering place for the diverse indigenous peoples whose histories, languages and cultures continue to influence our vibrant communities. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to the many First Nations Metis settlements and the six regions of the Metis nations of Alberta and Inuit who have lived in and cared for these lands for generations HY HY. 

VAD has been talking with local agencies to learn about the resources that are available to the disability community and today's podcast. I'll be talking to Lee from PLAN Edmonton. At PLAN Edmonton, they guide individuals and their families through the process of developing a personal network to support loved ones now and well into the future. Thank you Lee  for coming to our podcast to discuss your experiences with PLAN Edmonton today. Together we hold the power. So welcome. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, Lee?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

That’s me In a  nutshell my name is Lee. I'm I  I almost forget how old I am sometime. I'm 52 years old. I. I don't even know how many years now I've been involved with PLAN Edmonton, but  It has definitely made me feel pretty good being involved with these characters.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Nice. What are some of your interests?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Let's see. One interest is I love coffee. My interest would be music. Helping people. And so I write, I sing and I write songs. I sing song and spoken word, and I'm definitely very voluntary, Volunteer orientated.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Perfect. That sounds like you do a lot of stuff to keep yourself busy. One of the questions I have is what does PLAN Edmonton do for you?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

What does PLAN Edmonton do for me?

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager


Lee, from Plan Edmonton

It gets me out into the community.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

And how does that work? Do you meet with people? Do you go to group events? Like, what does PLAN do that gets you involved?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Yes, I do. I do. I meet with people and go to group events.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Awesome. Can you share some experiences that you've had since you started to be a focus person for getting facilitation from PLAN?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

I get out and I simply, Simply put, just like as you mentioned  I meet people so it broadens my horizon.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

OK. And what are some of the things that you do? When you go out. Like do you go karaoking or what kind of events does plan have?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

I go to karaoke. I sing. I it gives me like exactly as you mentioned it gives me the ability to Meet people, to broaden my horizon and “let's connect” That is something that  I can't really \,I can't really honestly describe like how warm it makes me feel inside. Ever since getting involved with PLAN Edmonton  But let's connect is something that is very sweet. And what does it call me?

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

What do they call you at let's Connect.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Oh yeah, that's right- the Jenga king  Because I I sort of pushed the like for the Jenga game. I sort of make it as tall as I can. And even though some people distract me  And not pointing at anybody in particular.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

That's wonderful. So you play a lot of Jenga.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

I played to a couple times and it's fun. I like doing things like that. Oh, yeah, I guess I should mention the recording studio because after all, I am a musician of sorts. I'm a spoken word and sun song Musician. So I started to Getting the recording process out of the way I'm working towards recording an album.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager


Lee, from Plan Edmonton

And then once that is done, then I have family members that will work with me in order to put it online, So maybe I can start selling CD's, but, Thing is now when I do record my album. It's 50% of the proceeds will be going towards first and foremost, the school lunch program.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Nice, good idea. If someone was thinking of becoming involved with plan, what would you tell them? Is it a good thing to do, do you recommend it?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Yes, I definitely do recommend it.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Awesome. And what would you tell them about getting involved? What would they need to do?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Getting involved, What they would need to do, they would need to get in contact with PLAN Edmonton. And then everything would be set up from there.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Perfect. And so to get a hold of PLAN Edmonton, do you get ahold of Jamie? Is that who you talk with?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton


Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Talk with yes, that's for sure. you talk to Jamie Gore.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Perfect. And Jamie's number is 780-488-2422  For anybody looking to get a hold of Her.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton


Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

If you had a time machine. And could achieve all of your dreams  That PLAN could help you with what would that look like?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

That's a tough one. Let's see. My music is of most important thing to me, and honestly, my music and to meet people. And just get, I'm very, very active. So. So that's basically the two, The two utmost important things in my life.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Wonderful. So you would think if PLAN had a time machine they would help you get your music on, onto CD's and out to the community? 
 Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Yes, ma'am. 
 Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

 Ohh ma'am. Now I feel old. What about spending time with friends and running errands? Do you do that kind of stuff? I've got a a note here that says to  Ask you about a bottle run.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Yeah, I do. Ohh now I just have so many things on the go so, I'm gonna have to get even with that Jamie for that. Yeah, I I try and save bottles when I have a chance to.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

So your music getting out and seeing people a bottle run when you can. What about loneliness? How's PLAN helped with loneliness?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Ohh yeah. Well-being that I spend a lot of time alone so  I do what they I can in order to Cope with loneliness. The only reason why I'm so lonely is because I'm still single.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

I don't think PLAN is going to hook you up with anyone for a marriage, but you might meet somebody. I hear you have a big heart.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Ohh Dang, I thought it was heartless. No fair you had. To throw in that you had to throw a dirty play.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

I did. I did. I hear you have a big heart and you want more friends that you can give back to in the community with.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Yes, yes, that is for sure.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

And how would you see that playing out?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Getting out meeting people.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Getting out meeting people. What about work?

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

I would like to, I would definitely like To get out there in the community making  Hopefully making a living like besides AISH.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

And are you looking for something that has to  Do with your music.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

OK, quit busting me. I wanna get even with you because of that.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

That was just a genuine question.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton


Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Tell me about your facilitator.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Let's see why can't say about this Brat sitting beside me.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

What's her name? 

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Her name is Judy

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

 Awesome. And how long has Judy been your facilitator?

Judy, Facilitator with Plan Edmonton

Probably about six months.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Do you have any comments Judy that you want  To say about  Plan.

Judy, Facilitator with Plan Edmonton

I think it's a great organization for helping people to network, for helping them to get out into the Community, meet other people, connecting them with some of the things that they really like. For Lee, it is karaoke and doing the music studio, meeting people through let's connect, had a great time doing karaoke. He really likes the old classic rock and roll. That's a lot of fun. I think it's, It's definitely something that I think that people who want to get their family members connected It's a great thing for them.

Lee, from Plan Edmonton

Awesome. Well. Like there is Of course, through trials and tribulations, there's been good, good times and bad times. But. All in all I have no No qualms recommending PLAN Edmonton.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Is there anything else that you would like to say today?

Judy, Facilitator with Plan Edmonton

No, I think I think it's a wonderful organization and Jamie definitely has the heart and the passion for it. I would recommend that People get in contact with her and find out more.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Perfect. We heard from Lee earlier, and now we'll be talking to Julia from plan Edmonton.  At PLAN Edmonton  They guide individuals and their families through the process of developing a personal network to support loved ones now and well into the future. I want to thank Julia for coming to the podcast to discuss her experience with PLAN Edmonton. Welcome, Julia, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself, Your family and your daughter?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

OK. OK, I was born in US Minster in British Columbia and I lived in Burnaby until I was about 12 years old and then our family moved to Hamilton ON and then to Montreal, QC. I studied at Carlton University in Ottawa. I got my bachelors in English literature, so I never worked really with my degree, I worked with the typing that I learned in grade 11. I'm Married Donald Plummerfield in 1972 and worked in a number of offices while he was in university. And then I became a clergy wife,He's a pastor and a stay at home mom. Have three children, We have three children, Joshua, Joseph and Bethany. I've always worked at home, but I was for seven years a teachers assistant that a developmental preschool where Bethany had gone, and after she graduated they hired me as to work with preparing disabled children for kindergarten. Really. I would always, while Bethany was with us, she was with us till she was 19. I was always involved in the disability community. I was on a number of boards and especially I was involved with the people first movement  In BC and also in the Northwest Territories. 

We were stationed mostly in the Fraser Valley and in Edmonton and in the Northwest Territories, and we were 20 years in the Northwest Territories. That was our true career - Being missionaries up there in the north. So that's me pretty much.

Bethany. She was born in Quebec in 1982. She was born with a heart condition known as tetralogy of fellow. So she was very  Very tiny and had to have a lot of fat in their diets to get up to 20 lbs. So she could have her heart repaired and she finally made it up three and a  Half years of age. So I worked with her infant stimulation workers to at home for, I guess, five years. And That was in Quebec and in BC, that was what led me to the work at the developmental preschool because I loved working with Bethany to teach her how to crawl, how to sit up, how to roll over everything. It was just wonderful. So  Then Bethany went to school. She was the first kid integrated in a regular classroom in her school in Agassi, and Harrison Hot Springs. She. Was was blessed because there was a forward-looking principle in another  School in that region, who convinced the Minister of Education to integrate Bethany so she wasn't separated from the rest of the school body. She had her own aid. She learned to read. She did very well all through elementary school and junior high. She had a  A circle of friends  And we had a respite program. She graduated from grade 12 in Yellowknife and that year she was also athlete of the Year in the  Special Olympics. Many years ago, she joined Larche  Edmonton and began work at the Wow Factor, dessert wholesale dessert factory. She's very happy in those those areas. She's her favorite  Things are really going out to eat  And road trips. She would travel anywhere. She's just a really good traveler. Sure. And she comes and visits us here in our apartment, We're only 10 minutes away on foot So she comes here every second week and stays in our hotel. So that's us. Anything else you want to know?

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

No, that's wonderful. How old is Bethany now?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton


Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Oh, wonderful. So when did you first discover PLAN and specifically PLAN Edmonton?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

Hmm. The first contact was in Vancouver. I'm not sure, I don't remember who suggested it, but we attended what was called a wills and estates seminar, that PLAN still puts on. That's their first point of contact for a lot of people who are wondering how they're going to provide for their child when they pass away. So That's what we did and it helped us to create a will that included, Made sure she was looked after but and and we stayed involved at meetings and events. That was the Sort of pioneer PLAN. It was Al Mansky and and his wife Vicky Kamik. They they were in that group.  And they really were pioneers in in in this Whole idea of The disabled person living in community with the support around them so that they didn't have to be institutionalized or and the parents didn't  Have to worry about what? They would do when they had passed away, so we lost contact for a while in Northwest territories, but we did host AL and Vicky to come up and  Talk to the Council persons with disabilities who, Where I was a board member and we toured them around. It was a very good experience. I don't know if they followed up on having PLAN in the Northwest Territories, but they were certainly interested, Then we came to Edmonton in 1996. It was before we actually went to the Arctic. We went to the Arctic from Edmonton. We connected to PLAN Edmonton and joined as a member. So that was that was fun, that PLAN Edmonton We looked it up as we knew about PLAN, yeah.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

Nice. What is your experience since you decided to become a family and plan Edmonton?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

Oh, it's been a good experience overall. It's been a lot of ups and downs. It's very, very. Difficult. Well, not very, very. Difficult. It's it seems difficult to me to really to Encourage people in the community to make a commitment to our kids with, you know, it's not a professional relationship. It's not a staff. It's a  It's a purely voluntary and and it takes a a very special person to commit that's outside of the family, but they just work at it very hard  And it takes a long time and we realize  That you know, Especially with us because we've moved around so much, it's been hard to to actually form a a consistent support circle. But we still  Work on it all the time, all the time. Communication between PLAN and LARCHE was difficult at first. They they didn't really get it  Why, Why Bethany would  Want other people in involved in her life besides them? Because larche is very, very Community Centered and they do a lot of things together and they do They do things as a house, they have a sort of a unique relationship between their assistants and the core members. And so it took them a while to really get it. And then there were facilitators who were wonderful people, and they did a lot of things with Beth, but they didn't really get the goal of PLAN, which was to connect to the greater community and get this circle or built around around the person. It's gotten better and better. We've had several facilitators. Some just didn't, One or two just just couldn't handle the commitment cause it's with a person with disabilities. You have to mean what you say and say what you mean. You have to show up when you say ,you're going to show up and it it's hard when people are working and other family can. But we have a really good facilitator right now. She's about to retire as a teaching aide in the Catholic School board. She gets it completely about the community connections. She's a real good communicator, and she, she's she's not only bonded with Beth, but the home, The house  Really  Welcomes her because she comes in and organizes parties and things and includes everybody and brings the food and everything and it's just been a wonderful relationship so far. One of the things that PLAN offers is called the path. It's a seminar where where the core person, the focused person is in the center. And they do a big diagram of all the things that they would like to see in their life. Beth’s had two or three of these who plan at various stages like 16 and 21. Now she's just had another one, and the Janet, her facilitator, really remembers  It's all written down on the big diagram  To make sure she follows up on all the wishes that Beth expressed in that process. Last time we did it, we sort of realized that at 42, Beth has sort of settled in what she wants for her  Like, she's very content. She wants to work, she wants to go on road trips,She wants to be with her, with anybody, everybody. She just loves being, you know, having she doesn't like big crowds, but she likes small dinners and going for coffee and and picnics and things like that. And  So her facility tries to make these wishes happen, keep expanding the connections with the community. And we were really happy because the last time Beth had a birthday party, she wanted this waitress from one of the restaurants that we frequent on Sundays  To come to her birthday party and and and you know this person is wonderful. We love her very much. But I think you know. This never happened before that one of these peoples actually wanted to come in the best house and you know, we interact with all her, her cohorts and everything. But this lady came. She had a blast. She was just fit in perfectly. And it was really good for her to see Beth’s life outside of, you know, the contact in the restaurant. So. That's the kind of thing that that plan really focuses on trying to increase those kind of experiences. That's my experience with.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

That's awesome. Have there been any challenges when facilitation didn't work and how are things going now?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

Well, I I think that's what I what I was answering yes communication Was hard at first because the the larche assistants are very young and they come and go. They come from all over the world. Sometimes they don't speak English very well. Communication. So we all know what's going on. It's not spying on people all without. So that was a challenge and and then For PLAN itself Trying and for us to try and communicate to facilitators because these are volunteers who usually work. You know, they're, they're they're they're not, They don't have tons of free time but to try and get them, but it's not  Them spending a lot of time with Bethany, that's as important as them finding other people who want to be a part of Bethany's  life. so, so that that has improved over the years. And as I say, the one she has now is a crackerjack she just, I hope she lives forever.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

If you can have one wish for the long term future, how could planning continue to be in Bethany's life or impact her life long into the future?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

Well, as we get older and more limited like we don't have a car anymore and that is a significant barrier to Road trips, it's not easy for us to to go go on buses and planes anymore. My husband has trouble walking long distances and and  It's just it just takes a lot of planning to to get the three of us anywhere in particular without a car.  So I would like to see more people involved in those big things like traveling, and I don't think there's really much new that Bethany. We we made a lot of suggestions during her path about maybe things that she could try, but she wasn't really keen. She's really keen on doing more of what she really likes and that's fine. It's just she's still young and she's young at heart so and she's pretty healthy for someone with such a bad heart, she’s had Two open surgery Heart surgeries and pacemaker and valve replacement and all kinds of things. And she' . But she's really very active and and keen on life. So I just want to see those, those aspirations purse fulfilled by people like like the PLAN people and and those they can  Bringing to Beth’s life when we're not around so much.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

What is something interesting about Bethany and PLAN that you would tell everybody interested in planning?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

What would I tell them about PLAN -  that they work very hard on their goal and they try and keep their goal  First and foremost, because I've noticed with some facilitators they can get into They just don't do that a lot. They they they might, they might do a lot of stuff with Beth, but they don't really work on building that network and that's and PLAN, Plan is about having a safe and secure future when you're no longer around. That's basically, that's basically it. We've enjoyed being members while we're still relatively young and healthy. We were both in our 70s Now, you're disabled person living and active and fulfilling, life when you're not around, that's what  PLAN is all about and I tell them that.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

That's a great explanation. OK. Well, thank you for joining VADs podcast today. Plan Edmonton support of the community is of value to all and I just want to ask, is there anything else you would like to say that I haven't asked you?

Julia, Family Member of Plan Edmonton

No, but I guess I could say that having a a person in your family with disabilities introduces you to a lot of wonderful people that you would never have met otherwise. And I value that so much. It's been a great gift. And PLAN’s no different. They're they're great people.

Teresa Makarewich, VAD Program & Services Manager

That's wonderful. Once again, PLAN Edmonton can be reached through Jamie Gore, the network coordinator, at 780-488-2422. So thank you again for joining VAD’s podcast Today, Voice of Albertans with disabilities across disability, nonprofit organization of and for people with disabilities. We are guided by the principles of accessibility, equity and inclusion. Learn about VAD on our website at Or call us at the office at 780-488-9088 For more information. If you have a topic you would like to hear about in a podcast, please e-mail myself Teresa a TV ad at with topic ideas, speaker suggestions, or your feedback signing off for today. Together we hold the power.