VAD Society's Podcast
Join VAD as we talk about disability issues that affect the community as we strive for full participation and inclusion in society.
37 episodes
The Voice - Jean Bota with ACCPA
Join Teresa and Jean as they discuss the ACCPA - Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association. Learn about their resources, what they do, and upcoming events.

The Voice - Public Interest Alberta with Brad LaFortune
Join Brad as he answers questions about PIA and how they work with the community.

2024 IDPD Community Resource Fair hosted by VAD
Join VAD as we learn about the exhibitors at the 2024 IDPD Community Resource Fair hosted by VAD on November 30th, 2024. Celebrated on December 3rd around the world, Idpd mobilizes support for critical issues relating to the inclusions of...

The Voice - Community Advocate Don Slater
Join VAD as we speak with community advocate Don Slater. We discuss happenings in the community, the disability sector and how Don relates to the individuals that require assistance.

The Voice - Alberta Employment First Network
Please join VAD as we talk with AEFN about their programs and October's DEAM events.

The Voice - Voice of Albertans with Disabilities Staff Chat
Join the staff at VAD as we chat about the organization, challenges and services provided.

The Voice - AiLA with Leanne and Kyle
Join VAD as we speak with Autism Independent Living Association (AiLA) and learn about their association. We speak with Leanne and Kyle about their experiences and the work that AiLA does in the community.

The Voice - ReYu with Bean Gill
VAD talks with Bean from ReYu about their services and upcoming events. Listen and learn about this great resource in the community.

The Voice - PLAN Edmonton with Lee, Judy and Julia
Join VAD as we speak with a client, a facilitator and a family member of PLAN Edmonton. We hear about how PLAN assists individuals in the community and what the members feel is great about PLAN Edmonton.

The Voice - Public Interest Alberta with Brad L
Join VAD Society as we learn about the projects and resources that Public Interest Alberta offers the disability community. With some great information about the services that are offered and provided by PIA and hear from Brad LaFortune a...

The Voice - Spinal Cord Injury Alberta with Rob MacIsaac
Join VAD as we speak with Rob from Spinal Cord Injury about what they offer the community and how they collaborate with AHS for spinal cord resources.

The Voice - Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association with Jean Bota
Join VAD as we learn about the projects and resources available through the Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association with Jean Bota. Big changes are happening at their agency and we want you to know about them.

The Voice - Candora with Rebecca Steinhubl
Join VAD as we speak to Rebecca S from Candora about the programs and resources available to the Community in North Edmonton.

The Voice - Peerspective Consulting & Facilitation
Join VAD as we learn about Peer Support from Christina Henderson from Peerspective Consulting & Facilitation Enterprises. Out of Calgary, this a business works with all ages to promote healthy peer support options.

The Voice - REDI Enterprises with Dalton and Robin
Join VAD as we speak to REDI Enterprises about the great work and resources they offer the southern part of Alberta.

The Voice - Gateway Association with Betty and Jasmine
Join VAD as we talk with Betty and Jasmine about the programs that the Gateway Association offers the community. Learn about family resources and employment resources that they offer.

The Voice - Edmonton Epilepsy Association with Valeria P
Join VAD as we learn about the Edmonton Epilepsy Association. An organizational member of VAD, EEA offers some great community resources and Valeria P, the Executive Director speaks to the programs and services the offer.

The Voice - SAIPA with Mark & Leah
Join me as we talk with Mark and Leah about SAIPA and learn about their workshops, events and resources that are available to the community and how they work with individuals with disabilities .

The Voice - Brandy Gassner - RDSPs with ATB
Join VAD as we talk to Brandy about RDSPs and how they help individuals with a disability save for retirement. Learn about the ins and outs of what you need to start an RDSP and how to get a hold of Brandy directly.

The Voice - Inclusion Alberta with Trish Bowman
Join VAD as we learn about Inclusion Alberta and the great resources that this organization offers the disability community across Alberta.

The Voice - Alberta Crime Prevention Podcast
Joing VAD as we speak with Albert Crime Preventions' Jean Botta about their organization and what they do in the community.

The Voice - Public Interest Alberta
Thanks for joining us today. In today's podcast, I'll be talking to Brad Lafortune, Executive Director of Public Interest Alberta. Public Interest Alberta is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, provincial wide organization focused on education and advoca...

The Voice - Positive Shift with Wesdyne Otto
Join VAD as we learn about Positive Shift and their resources and programs that they offer. Positive Shift's training programs, coaching, peer support, resources, and demonstrations help you make a positive shift in how you think about di...